Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shooting Project#1: Personal Vision

Introduction to Photography & Design
Shooting Project#1: Personal Vision
Due Week 2, after Lab period

Personal Vision is the quality that makes a photographer’s work unique; it is the “voice” of the photographer and their signature style.  When you are developing a professional portfolio, you should aspire to have it express your personal vision.  Ideally, you’ll get hired not just for your technical prowess, but for the particular way you see the world.

To develop (or discover) your personal vision, think both about what you feel compelled to photograph (i.e. subject matter) and how you tend to go about photographing (photographic seeing – the way you use light, color, and composition).

Start by asking:  What do I find beautiful? What kinds of subjects do I most enjoy photographing? What do I want to express through my photography?

During the course of the week, set out to make at least 50 images representing what you find beautiful.  Without overthinking it (using your gut and intuition), shoot your chosen subject matter to convey your connection with the subject to the viewer.  Experiment with light, color, and composition, working on defining your personal aesthetic or how you see the subject matter.

·       These images must be shot specifically for this assignment and previously shot photographs will not be accepted.   Make sure your date/time function in your camera menu is set properly.
·       Shoot in the exposure mode that’s comfortable to you and will yield the best results.  If you’re not comfortable shooting manually, use the program mode to get proper exposure.
·       Take care to avoid camera shake by shooting in brighter natural light so that slow shutter speeds aren’t necessary (or use a tripod in low light if you know how to do so)
·       Shoot in RAW + high fine jpeg
·       Use only available light – no flash

Submission standards
Bring all of your images on your external hard drive or flash drive to class next week.  Do not resize, rename, or manipulate any files yet.  We will learn our Lightroom workflow, discussion submission specifications, and submit your work Week 2, after our lab session.

All shooting projects are worth 30 points and are graded according to the following criteria:
·       Image management (following assignment specifications outlined during lab period)
·       Creativity of approach to concept (effort and thought demonstrated)
·       Visual impact (use of photographic seeing, basic mastery of technique)

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